April showers have come and gone. In fact the May flowers are now wilting as the Summer Solstice brings forth a heat wave. School is out, summertime is here and while we love to see the sun shining and the nice weather, things are bustling in the RedEye offices. We have many exciting projects this past spring to share with you, but first, click here to see Miss Piggy capture the spirit of just how you’re feeling right now:
RedEye has been keeping busy and off the streets with a huge project for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. We are thrilled to announce the release of the first in a four part video training series for America’s Law Enforcement. These videos act as a NCMEC offsite training program designed to educate and inform Law Enforcement agents on the various divisions and resources available at the National Center. The remaining 3 videos are in production and will be released throughout the upcoming year. It is a pleasure working with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. They are a notable and worthy organization filled with hardworking and highly skilled professionals here to protect and serve our littlest citizens.
RedEye has enjoyed partnering with National Park Trust over the past six years to create a video honoring both the mission of NPT and the recipient of the National Park Trust Bruce F. Vento Award. This year, at a celebration at the Newseum, Senator Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico was honored for his outstanding commitment to park preservation. We are delighted that both the NPT Board and Senator Bingaman enjoyed watching the video as much as we enjoyed creating it. Please take a moment to check out NPT and the video at ParkTrust.org and learn what you can do to preserve parks today and help create park stewards for tomorrow.
RedEye has had a very successful year and we are proud to have received recognition for some of our work. In March, “Get Out of My Milk” pulled two Pollie Awards. This graphically complicated spot involved a 6000 gallon tank of milk and a man skillfully composited into the spot by graphic artist Jerry Cappa. This post production achievement edited for Berman and Company won a Gold Pollie in the National Public Affairs: Television category and a Bronze Pollie in the National Public Affairs: Internet category.
But that’s not all! On the blue side of the aisle two spots we worked on with Jackson Group Media, “Cut!” and “He’s Our Guy” each won multiple Telly Awards this year.
AND…RedEye, along with DAI Solutions and the Department of Veteran Affairs, has been honored with two Communicator Awards Online Video Award of Distinction. Our PIV Card Promotional Video won the 2012 Silver Award in both the Film/Video – Employee Communications and in the Branded Content – Promotional/Branding Category.
Click here to view “Get Out of My Milk”
Also this Spring Laura Douglas was selected to be part of a panel discussion on Women in Media for The Washington Center, a program that gives college students internship opportunities in the Washington area. Laura, along with several other noteworthy names, spoke about her experience as a woman in the field of Communications.

If you can believe it, this year marks RedEye’s 10th Anniversary! We opened our doors in the middle of a recession with one employee and an intern focused solely on editing and post production, thus the name RedEye Professional Post. Today we are RedEye and have 3 full-time staff in Alexandria and multiple support team members located throughout the world. We have worked with numerous clients on projects that have gone worldwide.
Our projects range from that of a simple DVD dub for a few bucks, to a full-blown script to screen (to borrow an antiquated term) project that might cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. We have been up early in the morning for a break-of-dawn shoot and pulled all-nighters in the edit suite to meet the deadline. (Ahh, that’s where the name RedEye comes from).
We are a big believer in sharing knowledge. RedEye has hosted more than 30 interns over the past 10 years most through an outstanding program called The Washington Center. Many of these interns have become employees at RedEye. Our company has worked with Gunston Elementary School in Fairfax County to teach both story telling and production skills. We assisted in the production of numerous videos, Prek-6th grade, allowing the children to learn how to present themselves on camera, edit ideas together into cohesive thoughts as well as leave behind training tools for the teachers to use for class material review. RedEye has also served on several panels throughout the region to judge film festivals, or discuss the latest and greatest technology crisis (currently read as FCPX) beating down the boutique house.
Some of you we have known (and by “we” we mean the Laura part of we) for 25 years or more, others are more recent members of the RedEye family. Each of the projects we work on is special and teaches us as much as we hope they inspire and teach others.
We realize there are many choices in today’s marketplace. We hope you hear and feel our THANKS and know we are always honored and humbled when you choose RedEye to partner with your team. It is our goal and hope you continue to feel our 200% effort on every project. We began in a recession and 10 years later we are pleased to say we are weathering the current economic slow down with patience and caution. But most importantly we are happy to be going strong after a decade and we look forward to the next ten years and the technology changes to come!
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