Not So Small Voices

ENOUGH This past weekend my friends and I attend the “March For Our Lives Protest”. Words cannot describe how much of an amazing experience it was. Prior to this protest I only attended one other protest back in February, which was much smaller. I knew the “March For Our Lives Protest” was going to be […]

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Hello Washington, Hello RedEye

Holy Moly it’s been a month, I have been in D.C for a month now and I am still shocked about how much warmer it is down here then back at home. I don’t think I have ever spent so much time outside in January or February in my life; in fact this is the […]

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Networking, Networking, Networking

I have been in musical theater ever since I was in first grade. Little 8 year old Kyle was the opening act of Leipsic High School’s production of South Pacific. The director instructed me it would be dark in the theater and I would not be able to see the audience when I started. The music started […]

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Did You Submit or Forget ?

Living in the DC area allows you to take advantage of many contest and festivals. If you are interested in filmmaking or screenwriting then you will be thrilled about the upcoming “DC Shorts Film Festival” this fall. Unfortunately the submission dates ended the first week of June but, tickets for the festival are now on […]

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