RedEye Report: Spring/Summer 2012

April showers have come and gone.  In fact the May flowers are now wilting as the Summer Solstice brings forth a heat wave.  School is out, summertime is here and while we love to see the sun shining and the nice weather, things are bustling in the RedEye offices.  We have many exciting projects this past spring […]

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Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hello! Its fitting that today I publish my first blog post, because on this day 22 years ago, McDonald’s opened their first restaurant in Moscow.  Why is this fitting?  Well a Russian McDonald’s and I have a lot in common in that we are both… Wait.  Russian McDonald’s and I have nothing in common. But! 54 […]

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RedEye Internships!

While doing some serious facebook stalking, I came across a bit of news from one of RedEye’s former Interns, Nicholas Bernardo.   He talked a bit about his time working for RedEye and living in DC. Nicholas Bernardo, a senior English major, spent last spring semester writing scripts, editing videos, crafting press releases and sharpening […]

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