The Streaming Society

Netflix, Hulu, Prime and beyond, even if you don’t have an account, or if you’re one of those people who uses someone else’s account,  everyone has at least heard of streaming services. The three streaming forerunners have been competing with each other for years. They were even established about the same time. Netflix has been […]

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The Netflix Generation

  I am a proud member of the “Netflix” generation. The Netflix generation created the act of ‘binge-watching’ rather than waiting once a week for a new episode to begin like some pleb (my sincerest apologies to the generation before me). I can gear up, prepare as if I am about to hibernate for the […]

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Nostalgia on Screen: The Past is the Future

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. I’m sure this phrase was intentioned to speak to larger issues of war and tragedy and undesirable behavior passed down generations, but when philosopher and cultural critic George Santayana coined it, I wonder if he ever considered that pop culture would be condemned to […]

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A new television landscape

I read a while back an article from the The Washington Post, about an interesting change to the the television landscape.  A new company, AEREO is now offering an internet “sports package” of programing for  $10/month+  So for those of you who no longer have cable in the house and are using your internet connections coupled with […]

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