RedEye Report Fall 2018

RedEye is flipping for Fall after an exciting summer packed with projects. Here’s what we’ve been working on, and a sneak peek at what’s to come! Collaborating with Advocates This year we continued our work with Georgetown University Center for Children and Families (CCF). It was RedEye’s great honor to complete another series of specialized Video […]

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RedEye Report: Fall 2015

  RedEye is all set for fall after an excited summer packed with projects. Here’s what we’ve been working on, and a sneak peek at what’s to come!

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A Week that Brings up the Happy Old Days
happy days, production, television, the fonz

I know I’m exaggerating, but last week indeed drew me back to one of my happiest times in college, the time when I was a reporter and associate editor for the Departmental newspaper. Only this time, I was working on the RedEye Report: Winter 2012/2013 Edition.

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RedEye Report: Spring/Summer 2012

April showers have come and gone.  In fact the May flowers are now wilting as the Summer Solstice brings forth a heat wave.  School is out, summertime is here and while we love to see the sun shining and the nice weather, things are bustling in the RedEye offices.  We have many exciting projects this past spring […]

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RedEye Report: Winter 2012

No one likes winter in the District. You never know if there’s going to be a Snowpocalypse, or gusty winds. But this year, winter was manageable, at times, even cozy.  Which suited RedEye just fine.   Less time complaining about the weather meant more time focusing on creating the high quality productions that you’ve come to expect from […]

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