RedEye Post, LLC has been chosen for the 2023 Best of Alexandria Award in the Television Media Specialist category. RedEye is among a small group of companies that have won this Award for fifteen consecutive years. As a result, this distinction has qualified RedEye for the 2023 Alexandria Business Hall of Fame.  The Alexandria Award […]

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RedEye Receives 2019 Best of Alexandria Award, 10 Years Running

It is with great excitement that RedEye proudly announces receipt of the “Best of Alexandria 2019 – Television Media Specialist.”  This recognition represents our 10th year running of receiving this award.  “We work incredibly hard to maintain top quality for the best price and it is a great honor to receive recognition for this continued […]

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RedEye: Celebrating 11 Years with NPT

What do Buddy Bison, National Park Trust and Capital Hill have in common?  It’s RedEye Post of course.   This summer, RedEye was proud to rollout their 11th Bruce F. Vento Award video with National Park Trust (NPT).  This year Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico was bestowed the honor for his commitment to the […]

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Where Can I Make the Best Videos?

  “I’m going to wave my hands at  you guys. And you guys stare at me like I’m crazy. Okay?” At this point, my friends did really stare at me like I was crazy.   I’ve created a video for RedEye Post as my final project. I was in charge throughout all procedure from brainstorming […]

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How Did You Celebrate Women’s Day?

    This past Wednesday, March 8th was International Women’s Day (IWD), a day dedicated to recognizing the work and achievements of women worldwide. This day called for a lot of attention and action as millions of women around the world participated in many ways to help show their support towards gender equality. There are […]

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A Layperson’s Lesson Four: First Try on Photoshop

For a long time, I’ve heard of the many fantastic functions that Adobe Photoshop provides, it was not until last week that I got my hands on it and began to really learn how to use it for myself. I was assigned to make a series of slates that would be put into a video several times. […]

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