Kids to Parks Day – RedEye, NPT & The NFL Players Association – Let's Move!

National Kids to Parks Day – May 18, 2013 RedEye was pleased to play a role in this years National Park Trust’s, National Kids to Parks Day.  Really it is a national day of get outside and stomp around your local parks!  Because let’s face it we all spend too much time inside face down […]

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A layperson’s lesson starts from Creative Commons

In addition to my personal pollster-like life, this week our RedEye team has been busy doing various video projects. We found ourselves in need of some generic children’s pictures to cut into a spot.  My first thought was why don’t we just Google some children’s photos or images, bam!, job done. Then, it was quickly […]

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A step towards a Pollster? Well, sort of.

Me a Pollster?  I got this feeling because I was assigned to contact video studios in D.C. and VA, and ask info for RedEye’s upcoming quarterly podcasts’ shoot. Basically, I have been a person more comfortable writing than speaking, either in Chinese or English, because I always feel writing gives me time for a second […]

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My 1st blog ever!

My 1st blog! Yay! OK, the reason why I am finally writing one is because I enjoy reading them and I have something to share.   I feel like I am from a bygone era. I am no Jane Austen but I love her and period dramas of any sort. Ok, the Jane Austen, Emily […]

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