Alexandria 2022 Media Services Award

It is with great excitement that RedEye proudly announces the receipt of the “Best of Alexandria 2022 – Media Services.” This recognition represents our 14th year running of receiving this award. “We work incredibly hard to maintain top quality for the best price and it is a great honor to receive recognition for this continued […]

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RedEye Celebrates the 21st Vento Public Service Award with National Park Trust

RedEye is honored to announce the successful presentation of the 2021 National Park Trust Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award. This event is the 15th Vento Award program in which RedEye has been involved and our 3rd such virtual event for National Park Trust.  While COVID-19 is coming to an end, the presentation was virtual via […]

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RedEye: Celebrating 11 Years with NPT

What do Buddy Bison, National Park Trust and Capital Hill have in common?  It’s RedEye Post of course.   This summer, RedEye was proud to rollout their 11th Bruce F. Vento Award video with National Park Trust (NPT).  This year Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico was bestowed the honor for his commitment to the […]

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RedEye Report Fall 2018

RedEye is flipping for Fall after an exciting summer packed with projects. Here’s what we’ve been working on, and a sneak peek at what’s to come! Collaborating with Advocates This year we continued our work with Georgetown University Center for Children and Families (CCF). It was RedEye’s great honor to complete another series of specialized Video […]

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RedEye Report: Fall 2015

  RedEye is all set for fall after an excited summer packed with projects. Here’s what we’ve been working on, and a sneak peek at what’s to come!

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It's Always Good to Get Good News

Following the National Park Trust ceremony awarding Senator Ron Wyden with the Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award, we were given a lot of positive feedback about this year’s video project. “…Ron had a great time and loved the event. He was SO flattered by the video, and honored by the award. The video really […]

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New Kid On the Block

D.C. (Alexandria) is hands down the most humid part of the U.S. I’ve ever had the pleasure of living/working in. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that 15 minute walk from the Metro station, but as i’ve been told more than once, it’s just June…the heat and humidity will only get worse. […]

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Kids to Parks Day – RedEye, NPT & The NFL Players Association – Let's Move!

National Kids to Parks Day – May 18, 2013 RedEye was pleased to play a role in this years National Park Trust’s, National Kids to Parks Day.  Really it is a national day of get outside and stomp around your local parks!  Because let’s face it we all spend too much time inside face down […]

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RedEye Report: Spring/Summer 2012

April showers have come and gone.  In fact the May flowers are now wilting as the Summer Solstice brings forth a heat wave.  School is out, summertime is here and while we love to see the sun shining and the nice weather, things are bustling in the RedEye offices.  We have many exciting projects this past spring […]

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