Streaming Service Takeover

As we continue to spend more time at home during the midst of the pandemic, many people are trying to find ways to stay busy and keep their minds occupied. Either on your television, laptop, or mobile device, one great way of staying entertained and engaged is by watching TV. In 2021, there are a […]

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Digital vs. Theatrical Release

Closed Theaters The global coronavirus pandemic has caused businesses to close, and people to stay home. What does that mean for the releasing of new movies? Some movies are being released straight to streaming, while others are being postponed. Disney’s live-action Mulan has had its release date pushed back. Mulan was set to release in […]

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The Streaming Society

Netflix, Hulu, Prime and beyond, even if you don’t have an account, or if you’re one of those people who uses someone else’s account,  everyone has at least heard of streaming services. The three streaming forerunners have been competing with each other for years. They were even established about the same time. Netflix has been […]

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War of Substance vs Spectacle

Star Wars may have created the modern blockbuster film franchise, however, Planet of the Apes (nine years prior) was truly the first attempt at one. A lubricous concept at first glance, but one which led to a film executed with class, wisdom, warning, and charm. Known most for its unforgettable twist ending, it was written […]

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Nostalgia on Screen: The Past is the Future

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. I’m sure this phrase was intentioned to speak to larger issues of war and tragedy and undesirable behavior passed down generations, but when philosopher and cultural critic George Santayana coined it, I wonder if he ever considered that pop culture would be condemned to […]

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Don’t Forget The Blanket & Snacks!

Living in Washington DC gives you a lot of opportunities to take advantage of the outdoors. Yes, I said outdoors. Why watch a movie inside on an old moldy couch when you could enjoy a great classic on fresh green grass with many other DMV residents. “DC Outdoor Films” was created for residents in the […]

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Oscars 2012 – Reflective Cinema

I’m not quite an old soul [read: hipster], but I was raised with an appreciation of what you might call grand old things [read: pretentious things].  I enjoy going to the opera and I will take Humphrey Bogart over Brad Pitt any day.  I get defensive when older people assume that my generation gets bored […]

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