The Power of Drones

The vision that is revolutionizing movies and TV comes directly from drones. The aerial shot is now easier to get with these devices. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires users to register their drones. Anyone who wants to be a drone pilot needs flight plans, licenses, and insurance to film. Drones give producers the chance […]

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Script to Screen

Have you ever thought about how a film is made? There are multiple steps into making a film, and the two things that come together are the script and the actual film. The script is written to tell the story how the writer sees it. The script includes character names, dialogue, action, and scene headings. […]

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Good Bye Fall, Good Bye RedEye

My last and final blog post of the semester. It seems crazy to me that my very first blog post was 15 weeks ago. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into when it came to this internship, but I must say it is one of the dearest memories I will carry […]

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Lights, camera and good lighting

When light is managed carefully it can increase the depth and intensity of images and its details. Having control of light can add interest to a face just by concentrating on the lights focal point. I pay close attention to lighting in photos and when editing because it contributes to the perception of the images […]

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Did You Submit or Forget ?

Living in the DC area allows you to take advantage of many contest and festivals. If you are interested in filmmaking or screenwriting then you will be thrilled about the upcoming “DC Shorts Film Festival” this fall. Unfortunately the submission dates ended the first week of June but, tickets for the festival are now on […]

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Oscars 2012 – Reflective Cinema

I’m not quite an old soul [read: hipster], but I was raised with an appreciation of what you might call grand old things [read: pretentious things].  I enjoy going to the opera and I will take Humphrey Bogart over Brad Pitt any day.  I get defensive when older people assume that my generation gets bored […]

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Kickstarter Proves Independent Funding Is Here To Stay

At this year’s Sundance Film Festival, which took place in Park City Utah last week, 10% of the screened films were all funded through Kickstarter.  And according to The Creators Project, some of them have also been picked up for distribution. This is great news for independent film makers and creative ideas for two reasons,

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A New Point Of View
Walter Murch

Is blinking a more significant process than just wetting the eyes?  Could it perhaps be the dissection between two complete thoughts or images like that of a film cut?  Famous editor of Apocalypse Now and The GodFather, Walter Murch thinks so…

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