Where Can I Make the Best Videos?

  “I’m going to wave my hands at  you guys. And you guys stare at me like I’m crazy. Okay?” At this point, my friends did really stare at me like I was crazy.   I’ve created a video for RedEye Post as my final project. I was in charge throughout all procedure from brainstorming […]

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Lights, camera and good lighting

When light is managed carefully it can increase the depth and intensity of images and its details. Having control of light can add interest to a face just by concentrating on the lights focal point. I pay close attention to lighting in photos and when editing because it contributes to the perception of the images […]

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Sound Basics: It's better to practice listening

At RedEye, one of the most important production skills we pride ourselves in is crisp sound/audio. As the intern for the summer, I have had multiple opportunities to edit voiceovers (VO) for multiple projects. I have realized that many video projects focus on visual aspects, but it is a combination of video and audio that […]

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How to Edit….

My colleague Valeria, came across this gem and it was just too good not to share – Enjoy your Friday laugh! [embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2EyVjmJo8I[/embedyt] We love what we do – but sometimes we can pull our hair out over it!      

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RedEye Visits Rhed Pixel

Last month RedEye Post visited Rhed Pixel Communications for a 3-day open house and educational workshop focusing on different trends in the digital production sphere. Rhed Pixel is a post production and training facility located in Falls Church, VA. The first half of day one started off with a seminar on social media trends and how […]

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Did You Submit or Forget ?

Living in the DC area allows you to take advantage of many contest and festivals. If you are interested in filmmaking or screenwriting then you will be thrilled about the upcoming “DC Shorts Film Festival” this fall. Unfortunately the submission dates ended the first week of June but, tickets for the festival are now on […]

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Finished shooting? It's time to Digitize

Previously I was sent out to film the RedEye team filming multiple interviews for one of the many extra special clients.  Now it is my turn to take the footage I collected form behind the scenes and turn it into something fun and exciting to share with you so you can see a little of […]

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A little Insight on Editing

A recent query put out on the TIVA listserv got me thinking. This is a subject that has come up here on an almost daily basis for the past year, and we decided this would be a good time to poll the professional community.    The School of Communication trains students in both broadcast news […]

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Labor (of Love)

The past two weeks have found me sifting through mountains of political ads and movie Western clips to try and find some semblance of a common thread.  This week is the American Association of Political Consultants Pollie Awards fiesta.  The Pollies award good campaigns and RedEye has been charged with showcasing the video spots in […]

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A New Point Of View
Walter Murch

Is blinking a more significant process than just wetting the eyes?  Could it perhaps be the dissection between two complete thoughts or images like that of a film cut?  Famous editor of Apocalypse Now and The GodFather, Walter Murch thinks so…

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