“The origin of AI” Blog

THE ORIGIN OF AI  –  WHAT IS AI? AI or artificial intelligence was made with the idea of making a machine that could imitate the cognitive abilities of a human being with the goal of progressing the evolution of man even further than we could imagine. because of ai, we have been able to make […]

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The Power of CGI

What is CGI? CGI stands for computer-generated imagery. This type of technology can be used in film, television and even video games to create characters, scenes and special effects. Films that have used CGI that you may be familiar with are ‘The Avengers,” “Star Wars,” and Avatar. CGI is important to film because it has […]

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The Truth Behind Deepfakes

What Are Deepfakes? If you’ve seen the videos where Barrack Obama says that “Ben Carson is in a sunken place” or where Nancy Poliseo is speaking slow as if she is under the influence, then you have seen a deepfake. Deepfakes are videos that have been manipulated by AI that have visuals and audio that […]

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