Dinosaurs and Car Chases Have Their Places

Summer blockbusters are made to be BIG. With the recent releases of Jurassic World and Mad Max: Fury Road, it’s plain to see that some directors and producers have their preferences when it comes to visual effects being BIG. In Jurassic World, we see hundreds of CGI dinosaurs everywhere. People interact with them, we see them […]

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Apps: Vine & 8mm

Have you been hearing about short little 6 second videos? Have you noticed videos of your friends that look like they came out of a time machine from another era? There are two apps that are currently all the rage to those who like to use social media and make videos. They are Vine and […]

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A new television landscape

I read a while back an article from the The Washington Post, about an interesting change to the the television landscape.  A new company, AEREO is now offering an internet “sports package” of programing for  $10/month+  So for those of you who no longer have cable in the house and are using your internet connections coupled with […]

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