Experience Thailand in 4 Minutes

Katlyn Wyllie, RedEye Editor, and currently on a mission to teach Americanness to South Korean children, took her second trip to Thailand during her year abroad and put together this pretty badass video about her trip. You still got it K-Dubs! Check out more of Katlyn’s travel adventures and her work at TuxedoKat.

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Video Production Q&A: Apple Devices and Subtitles

Yesterday’s LifeHacker had a great “Ask and Answer” Thread dedicated exclusively to Video Editing. Most of the tips from commentators include ideas about software for the at-home user, but there’s some great insight there on how certain programs / devices work.

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It's Not Good bye…..But I Must Go…..

Taking into consideration the fact that we are all individuals, is reason enough to explain why we all do things at different paces. Goals, we all have them but aim to achieve or achieve them differently. At age thirteen I had a clear insight on the career field I wanted to be in and I […]

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An uncontrolled generation?

Creating a postcard and email blast for our new website is nothing short of a challenging, exciting, scary, nervous experience. Hope I caught all the words you would use(giggles). Let me take a quick bit to do a little:HIGHLIGHTING For the past few weeks now, everyone, from those in a respected profession to those who […]

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Open Kimono

Half the time you strike up a conversation, it’s because you don’t want to be the elephant in the room right????? But does it surprise you that most of what people tell you is half of the truth or some ramblings leading to the truth? which by the way you never get. Our generation has […]

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Today was very interesting. I connected with science for majority of my morning as I researched music and videos that were suitable for a message relating science and quest for cure. RedEye is currently working with Friends Of Cancer Research. Keegan and I got the chance to do some intense research for this. Super cool Hope […]

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Let's Get Digital

Today I got my hands on the Beta tapes for the Aging Alliance Research 25th Anniversary video we’re doing. It was my job to digitize them and upvert them to 1080i HD. Believe it or not, this wasn’t the first time I’ve seen, touched, or watched a Beta tape. Back in the day, my father was one […]

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