Much Ado About Podcasts

I’m sure that you’re all like, “what, podcasts again? haven’t we exhausted this subject?” No! Never! That’s like saying “oh yeah, well, we wrote two articles about youtube so we’re probably done forever, right? that’s all anyone could want to know.” Podcasts are a new medium that nobody seems to talk about anymore. I mean, everyone is vaguely aware […]

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RedEye at the CCF Annual Conference!

Some regular readers of our blog may remember the Georgetown Center for Children and Families shoot that we did almost two months ago. Well, we’ve worked really hard and produced the 10th Anniversary CCF Video, and we’re working with CCF again! We attended their Annual Conference, where they are debuting our 10th Anniversary Video. However, we […]

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Adobe Creative Suite Workshop!

RedEye held our first Tech Workshop last Thursday! Not able to attend? Here’s what you missed: We talked about all of the different Creative Suite programs briefly, focusing on Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere and Illustrator. Each of these programs got the full run-down: What’s new with Creative Cloud 2015? Why use it? What can it do?

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RedEye Visits Rhed Pixel

Last month RedEye Post visited Rhed Pixel Communications for a 3-day open house and educational workshop focusing on different trends in the digital production sphere. Rhed Pixel is a post production and training facility located in Falls Church, VA. The first half of day one started off with a seminar on social media trends and how […]

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Technology Workshops Are Here!

RedEye is officially launching Technology Workshops! Each week we will be offering a half-hour session about the topic of the week (found below), and then open up the workshops for any technology questions. We are incredibly excited to be able to share our knowledge with you. Space is extremely limited! To sign up: follow this […]

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Viral Marketing and Why It's Hard to Score "Internet Gold"

Everyone knows all about viral marketing, right? That one video that everyone seems to pass around constantly, the marketing campaign that has countless shares on social media, commercials that everyone seems to quote constantly.. Surely, as a culture, we’re gonna stop falling for stuff like this sometime, right? I’d argue that we already have. A few […]

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Did You Submit or Forget ?

Living in the DC area allows you to take advantage of many contest and festivals. If you are interested in filmmaking or screenwriting then you will be thrilled about the upcoming “DC Shorts Film Festival” this fall. Unfortunately the submission dates ended the first week of June but, tickets for the festival are now on […]

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Dinosaurs and Car Chases Have Their Places

Summer blockbusters are made to be BIG. With the recent releases of Jurassic World and Mad Max: Fury Road, it’s plain to see that some directors and producers have their preferences when it comes to visual effects being BIG. In Jurassic World, we see hundreds of CGI dinosaurs everywhere. People interact with them, we see them […]

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Cloudy With A Side of Georgetown

RedEye arrived to Georgetown University thrilled to finish shooting the final scenes of a project we started earlier that day. Everyone was tired and drained from working hard all morning. Working fast and efficient is “our” motto! Being able to work with “Center for Children and Families” was an honor. We had interviews on top of […]

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