I am quite sure you missed me and must be wondering what happened…. Before I explain, thanks for caring!! Now lets begin.

Ever been in a position where you feel as though you let down the entire audience? Almost like letting go when you needed to hold on? If not, you can share my moment with me. I was supposed to have completed a particular project, wasn’t too clear on how to proceed, and lacking knowledge further hindered me.

To cut this blabber short… I basically went home, and the project wasn’t done. What Was I Thinking?

It’s been a long time since I felt like such a let down. Luckily, the staff I work with knows that life isn’t perfect and assured me that it’s not ok, but ok.

My first mishap of my internship and it felt horrible. From an intern, take it from me, mistakes will be made, but it is what you do after those mistakes that either have your supervisor respecting and looking forward, or regretting and hoping for an end.

Gotta get back to work!! Clients are expecting…. at RedEye We Deliver.

Felt good to say  “we” by the way, like I’m a part of the team.  One thing I will give you advice on, and please take this seriously… is learning your acronyms and terms. Washington, DC is the town for acronyms, and if you’re not careful you will be out the loop of a conversation.

I know because I have been quite a few times. Don’t laugh.


Biancia Francis was a Summer 2011 RedEye Intern