Movie theaters just as many other things during the pandemic that been shut down and with no idea of when they will reopen. Pre-pandemic, many people spent their time enjoying a movie at the theaters. Movies are a form of expression, they are composed of many different forms of art combined into one. In a movie you have storytelling, photography, animation, visual effects, music, and much more. These movies give people a chance to escape their everyday life and live in the moment through the lenses of someone else.

Theater’s Shutdown

Since the pandemic started earlier this year many films that were set to release, such as Avatar 2 and Marvel’s Black Widow, have had to push back their release date. Without films movie theaters face major setbacks. Regal Cinemas which is a large movie theater chain has stated that the pandemic has caused the shut down over 500 of its locations. The news of Regal shutting down also has people wondering if AMC, which is the largest movie theater chain in the United States, will do the same.


The New Way

Luckily, we live in a day in age where streaming services are available. People are able to watch movies from services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ right from the comfort of their homes. Since we have access to such services people no longer have to worry about the hassle over waiting in lines at the theater, getting a good seat, or paying for overpriced popcorn. This also means that people are able enjoy films during the pandemic. The pandemic may stop movie theaters from showing and releasing films but streaming services always have films available and are consistently putting out new ones for people to enjoy.


The Old Way

Not only have streaming services become popular since the pandemic but there is another form of watching films that has become popular once again and that is drive-ins. Drive-in movie theaters were once wildly popular in the mid 1900’s and are now becoming a socially distance activity that people are falling in love with once again. Drive-ins are the perfect way to get out without getting out. Drive-in theaters allow us to leave our homes and be around others but safely. Everyone at a drive-in can roll down their window or open the truck and just sit back, relax, and enjoy the film. There’s no guarantee that drive-ins will be as popular once the pandemic ends, but for now they are a great and fun resource.


Take Part & Enjoy

Society is always changing but I never thought drive-ins and streaming services would be popular at the same time. Streaming services are more modern, and drive-ins are more vintage. But yet here they are co-existing side by side during this hectic time. Since movie theaters are currently not an option both of these other services are a great alternate. Which one you choose to take part in is dependent on you and what sort of experience you’re looking for.