The first presidential debate for the 2020 election took place Tuesday Sept.29th2020. This was the debate that nobody was excepting. Presidential debates are supposed to be focused on policy issues and plans for the future, but this debate took a different turn. I was able to watch the whole debate unfold but just in case you missed this historic event allow me to give a recap.


Drumroll Please…

Essentially were two debates taking place that night, President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Then there was President Trump and the moderator, Chris Wallace. The debate that took place between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden could be described as chaotic. Throughout the debate Biden was not holding back when it came to insulting the leader of our country. He called President Trump many names including “clown, “lair,” and “Putin’s puppy”. However, his insults were minuscule compared to President Trump’s constant interruptions throughout the whole debate.  No only was President Trump constantly interruptive but he defended white supremacy and threw a really low blow attack Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, who had a previous problem with substance abuse.

It doesn’t stop there. Trump not only interrupted Joe Biden but also Chris Wallace who was the moderator. At one-point President Trump even said “I guess I’m debating you, not him. “This goes to show that the President was aware of his actions but even still did not feel the need to make a change. Chris Wallace emphasized how each party agreed on 2 minutes with no interruptions, however that was not the case as he tried to regain control and steer the debate back in the right direction to no avail.


The Aftermath

Needless to say, media outlets across the world had a field day with this event.The Guardian described it as ‘ a national humiliation”. The Times in the UK wrote, “The clearest loser from the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was America.”Australia’s The Sydney Morning Herald, described the event as “a horrible, disastrous, useless session that left viewers utterly disappointed.” It is sad when everyone around the world can see what is going on in America and everyone knows that this is not how it should be.


What’s Next

I don’t believe either side, republican or democrat was expecting these results. There without a doubt has to be change for the next debate. It is important that the focus remains on the topics and issues at hand. The future of America is at stake and how can the American people make a vote based on petty insults and unnecessary chaos. We know we deserve better and the world knows we deserve better than what we got Tuesday night. Hopefully both parties reflect on what happen and realize that this country deserves to be shown and represented at the highest level of regard.