While doing some serious facebook stalking, I came across a bit of news from one of RedEye’s former Interns, Nicholas Bernardo.   He talked a bit about his time working for RedEye and living in DC.

Nicholas Bernardo, a senior English major, spent last spring semester writing scripts, editing videos, crafting press releases and sharpening his social media know-how at a TWC internship with RedEye, a boutique video production company in Alexandria, Va. He had previously done a communications internship at the Merrimack Valley Repertory Theatre, but wanted more experience to help him stand out in the job market. “I needed to give myself a competitive edge,” he says. “I thought, if I can thrive in the nation’s capital, I can thrive anywhere.”

If you’re interested in an internship with RedEye send us your cover letter and resume to redeye@redeyepost.tv