We’ve been nurturing this baby for a while, and now it’s been finally been revealed! Friends of Cancer Research recently celebrated their 15th year anniversary, and they asked us to help them produce a video to commemorate this event to present at their annual awards dinner.

Our inspiration behind making this video was the Friends office decor as we walked into our first initial meeting to discuss the project with Ryan Hohman, Director of Communications & Policy for Friends of Cancer Research.  Along the walls they had this awesome big DNA double helix traveling along to each office.  We wanted to emulate a similar look in the video we created.  It was a tag-team effort for the graphics in this video, thanks to the skills of RedEye veterans, Katlyn Wyllie and Rebekah Fredenburg.

As another awesome perk, we hooked up with the awesome people at Nutmeg Post in New York City to handle the technical side of recording Michael Douglas, who graciously donated his time to narrate our project.

Take a look, hopefully you like it!

Friends Of Cancer Research Celebration Video from RedEye Post on Vimeo.

Thanks again to Friends of Cancer Research for letting us take on their project!