Holy Moly it’s been a month, I have been in D.C for a month now and I am still shocked about how much warmer it is down here then back at home. I don’t think I have ever spent so much time outside in January or February in my life; in fact this is the time when I am deep into hibernation and I only wake up for certain occasions like meals and other times that involve food. I’m from upstate New York also known as southern Canada where it is extremely cold for an unnecessary amount of time. When I say cold I’m talking about negative degrees not 20 degrees with a little bit of ice that shuts down the whole city. The past month has been quite the experience.

A Weird Thing Called Adulating

A lot of change has happened, all good things! But I definitely had to get use to the minor adjustments. I think the biggest change has been having to get use to cars turning left on red, what the heck? I had no idea that that was a thing. The worst part is that pedestrians don’t seem to have the right of way.  So that means I’m getting really good at looking both ways at all times before crossing the street.

Slowly but surely I am transforming from a small town girl to the beginning stages of being a Washingtonian. Three days in a row I managed to either get on the wrong metro line or go in the wrong direction. However, as I make these little mistakes, I am also learning how to recover from them and move forward. As cheesy as this sounds, I’m starting to realize that making mistakes (however minor or major they are) its important to learn from them so that 1. They don’t happen again and 2. It’s the process of adulating.

                                               Befriending Photoshop

Thus far at my internship I have gained some skills in Photoshop designing a poster. By doing this project I have learned some things about myself that I was unaware of. Apparently, I have a lot of patience. The first two weeks at RedEye I would spend hours using Photoshop to edit the design that I created for the poster. Although I was getting annoyed and impatient, I learned a lot about the importance of consistency and precision when using Photoshop as well as in general.

This project was out of my comfort zone in the best way because it didn’t have specific instructions or guidelines that I had to follow therefore it challenged me to think outside of the box and to be more creative. I am the type of person that needs directions and needs steps in order to complete a task so that I can do it correctly. However, some situations (like this one) require one to be spontaneous and to be creative. This project was the perfect way to start an internship because it although it seemed simple it was actually quite challenging and brought out some skills that I didn’t realize I had.