My last and final blog post of the semester. It seems crazy to me that my very first blog post was 15 weeks ago. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into when it came to this internship, but I must say it is one of the dearest memories I will carry on with me for a lifetime.

For our final project, we made our own video for the RedEye website. I decided to create mine as a little mockumentary on being an intern in general and an appreciation video for my co intern Yeah Gi. I came into this program not knowing much at all about Adobe software or any kind of editing tool in general, but with her never ending patience and our fabulous ice cream dates, she ended up being my point person this semester. If you look at her blog post with her video, you can see she has an undeniable talent and will go very far as a producer or editor.

She gave me confidence and helped me make my very first video. I am terribly sad that we will be leaving our little nook in Alexandria and both be going our separate ways, but I am very thankful that we had this opportunity to be together in the first place. Without RedEye, I would not have had the ability to learn the ins and outs of a production company. The joy of working in this boutique office environment is you’re able to get the help and attention you need if you are a novice like me or the freedom to explore your passions like Yeah Gi.

My advice for future interns is to really dive into this semester because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You may not see it now but this is the only time in your life where you can make creative mistakes and test your boundaries without any consequences like this.

Thank you RedEye for an amazing semester!!