How to Pick the Perfect Track For Your Project! 

Now that filming has come to a wrap, and you’ve already begun assembling and editing everything together, it’s time to figure out the right type of music to fit your project. The process of choosing the right music for your project can often be challenging. Here at RedEye we have shared some advice and insight on how to come up with the best music to fit the vibe of your project!

It’s important to be organized therefore we suggest seeking out your music during the editing process and not waiting until you have finalized the edit—planning ahead can ensure a number of things such as:

-Staying within the set budget

-Client’s approval (if needed)

-Helps ensure music and footage are synced—cutting with music can help you make decisions that work and ensure everything flows together

Set the Tone!

Once you realize the tone you are going for with this project it will help you determine the type/ mood of the music needed. Find the best track that’s going to enhance the footage and really bring it to life! Remember to consider the target viewer as well. Helpful tip—Check out Royalty free music libraries, which make it easy by select based on mood or genre.

Determine the Where and When!

It is essential to recognize where music is going to go therefore determining if this project is going to have constant music throughout or is it going to be placed sporadically, is another important step when figuring out the perfect music for your project.

Type of Music

Think about the places and times that need music in your project…then decide what is most appropriate for that particular part. For instance, if this is an interview having music with vocals may become distracting and the audience could lose focus of what the subject is saying. If it is an appropriate time for vocals make sure the lyrics link up with your mood and the tone at that time.

Cut It

Cut up the song to best fit the video, if the chorus is the only part you want to use, cut and loop it to make it continuously flow.

Watch out!

Look out for music that uses MIDI or digitized instruments and effects. Often times these can result in sounding overused and cheap! It will be easy to pick out if these instruments are real and organic.

Original Composer vs. Music Library

When deciding whether you want to use an original composer or a music library, consider what your budget is. Bringing in an outside original composer can be pricy, and take a lot of time and labor. Music Libraries offer low cost for high quality! When using make sure to use sites that are royalty free then will ensure your project isn’t getting flagged for copyright violations.

Here’s some of our favorite music libraries:


Purple Planet

Premium Beat


Music is important and at RedEye we understand choosing the perfect tracks can be hard! We hope that these tips have been helpful and provide you with some clarity! Lastly, always remember the perfect track has the power to drive your editing decisions, keep your target audience engaged, and bring your project to life!

If your have further comments or questions be sure to reach out to us!