

This past Wednesday, March 8th was International Women’s Day (IWD), a day dedicated to recognizing the work and achievements of women worldwide. This day called for a lot of attention and action as millions of women around the world participated in many ways to help show their support towards gender equality. There are many efforts women are partaking in to celebrate this day, for instance, participating in various marches, wearing red, the color of love, in solidarity, and boycotting work or shopping in stores (with exceptions for women and minority-owned businesses).  The day called for both men and women around the world to voice their concerns of gender exclusion and help promote gender parity in their day to day lives.

Speaking of women-owned and operated…we couldn’t totally boycott today therefore we did a little celebrating and support ourselves in the office!

Women of RedEye!
Women of RedEye: Valeria (Left), Laura (Right), Kiana (Bottom). All in Red!

RedEye prides itself on being a fully women-owned and operated production company! And this past Wednesday we celebrated the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of all women. We at RedEye pledge to continue to take action as champions of gender parity – not only for International Women’s Day, but for every day.

#WomenofRedEye #BeBoldforChange #ConnectedSheCan #IWD #RedEyePost