Taking into consideration the fact that we are all individuals, is reason enough to explain why we all do things at different paces. Goals, we all have them but aim to achieve or achieve them differently. At age thirteen I had a clear insight on the career field I wanted to be in and I embarked on that journey ever since. I belong in the field of media and production.

Spring semester 2011, I remember scrolling through overweighted books, enduring one too many monotone professors, and tolerating the next person in the room who clearly did not want to be there; to become educated about media in its entirety. I must admit I learned so much, as history continues to repeat itself. However, this summer marks one of the greatest learning experiences in my life.

Summer 2011 RedEye Interns Vlog #2 from RedEye Post on Vimeo.

There is nothing you can use to substitute a personal experience, as only you can explore it. I met three women, all encoding a different culture, but composing the same passion. These women are dedicated to producing, editing, filming, scriptwriting, shooting and a far more extensive list, too long to document. These were MY mentors; and under their supervision my internship in the office was always a learning experience.

I write this last blog as the intern at RedEye Post  2011, filled with mixed emotions. The vocabulary that I now own, to the skills I gained, I’m a little less worried about my future. I feel ready to go back to my home town and share with my fellow colleagues; but  selfishly I want to stay to learn more. It behooves me to recommended you find an internship or job in a company as RedEye, where the individuals you work with has interest in your growth.

I hear the air condition running… a tear falls from my face…. I look around and I type this last line. Thank you: Laura Douglas, Olivia Yeo and Valeria Villarroel for an amazing summer.

With great sincerity……..Biancia Francis.


Biancia Francis was a Summer 2011 RedEye Intern


One thought to “It's Not Good bye…..But I Must Go…..”

  • Valeria V.

    You are too cute!

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