RedEye held our first Tech Workshop last Thursday!

Not able to attend? Here’s what you missed:

We talked about all of the different Creative Suite programs briefly, focusing on Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere and Illustrator. Each of these programs got the full run-down: What’s new with Creative Cloud 2015? Why use it? What can it do?

Action shot of the workshop!
Action shot of the workshop!

You can download our powerpoint here: Adobe Creative Sweeeet! Powerpoint

We had a lot of fun fielding questions about the uses for the different programs, and talking more about why each program is useful both in its own right and as a larger part of the Creative Suite family. If you want to learn more about Adobe Creative Suite programs, you can also check out tutorials on, Creative Cow, and, of course, YouTube.

If you’re interested signing up for the different technology workshops that we’re holding throughout the coming weeks, follow this link to sign up.

RedEye would also like to extend a shout-out to Great Harvest, who donated some of their stock to our Tech Workshops.

Seriously, check them out.
Their bread is AMAZING!


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