RedEye is officially launching Technology Workshops! Each week we will be offering a half-hour session about the topic of the week (found below), and then open up the workshops for any technology questions. We are incredibly excited to be able to share our knowledge with you. Space is extremely limited!

To sign up: follow this link.

So far we have three workshops planned out:


Adobe Creative Sweeeeeeeeet! (July 16th)
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This workshop will provide a crash-course in all things Adobe Creative Suite. Here at RedEye, we use all of the programs in the Creative Suite family and we’re happy to share our knowledge with you. From basic photo editing in Photoshop to the in’s and out’s of inDesign and Illustrator, we will provide a quick tutorial on a number of popular Creative Suite Programs

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Oh My! (July 23rd)
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 Our social media workshop is designed to help you understand the finer points of social media.We’ll talk about sites that you may use either personally, professionally, or both. Social media is useful for both personal and professional use, but it’s important to know which is which. We’ll cover: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram

Your Own Website! (July 30th) 
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 Do you want a website or blog, but don’t know where to start?
RedEye can help! We will walk you through how to use site-builders like Wix and SquareSpace to create your own customized website. We will also discuss blogging, and how to style blog posts.

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