Last month RedEye Post visited Rhed Pixel Communications for a 3-day open house and educational workshop focusing on different trends in the digital production sphere. Rhed Pixel is a post production and training facility located in Falls Church, VA. The first half of day one started off with a seminar on social media trends and how they impact businesses. CEO Rich Harrington hosted the event with a PowerPoint demonstration on everything social media and business. The presentation included lots of interesting facts but one key fact stood out to me the most, “the end of all satellite radio.”


Harrington explained in the presentation that mobile cell phone apps are taking over how people listen to radio. Radio apps like ‘TuneIn, iHeart Radio, Next Radio”, and many more are becoming more appealing to listeners than satellite radio. This was a shock to most but the numbers do not lie! Although over 90% of Americans still listen to radio on the weekly basis more than 80% of Americans would prefer radio through an app than through satellite. Think about it for a second. How long do you listen to the radio in a car before switching to AUX mode? Studies show most Americans prefer plugging in their phone and listening to app radio than listening to satellite radio.

1024px-Car_Radio_of_Analog_EraHarrington highlighted many statistics and studies throughout the presentation. The three-day event included tours of the new facility, networking time, and food galore! The tours took us into their production studios, which is open for rental at affordable cost. Rhed Pixel has all up to date equipment, studio gear, cameras, technology and, more. All staff are updated on the newsiest software and qualified for any production training.

The three-day event was spectacular and very helpful in the world of production and media. The workshops had a mix audience, which made it perfect for networking. For more in formation on studio rental visit their website

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