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Here at RedEye we are hoping to offer Technology Workshops in our office. You may be asking yourself, exactly does this mean for you?

It means that soon, you will be able to get all of the tech help you could possibly want! Okay, maybe not all the help you could want. We are not the Apple Genius Bar or an actual Computer Repair and Salvage company. But, collectively we know a lot about computers, the internet, and various other pieces of technology which leave you scratching your head..

It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and we aren’t here to make you feel embarrassed about your tech troubles. In fact, we would love to help out! Whether you have questions about how much Facebook actually knows about you, why you can never find what you’re looking for on Google, or are simply wondering, “Hey, what is Twitter all about, anyway?” We can answer all of these questions for  you, and many more. We’d like to offer not only a half-hour workshop on one topic, but also half an hour of open questions and hands-on help from our lovely staff.

But, we don’t want to ask the questions for you. We want you to tell us what kind of workshop you’d be interested in!

If you click this link, you’ll find a survey which will help us narrow down our topics for workshops.


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