IMAG3248The RedEye Post team spend Wednesday, February 4th at the Washington Post headquarters as part of a judging team of volunteer communication professionals.  We were there to evaluate Capital City Public Charter School student articles and photo essays on the issue of immigration, justice and human rights. For the past two months, 85,  10th grade students of the Capital City School  delved into these complicated and current issues throughDSC_0143 research and first hand interviews. The students were tasked with to using the techniques of journalists to interview, write and create a photo essay of their profile subjects, immigrants and advocates who are working to support immigrants who seek asylum in the United States.


The contest consisted in students presenting their work during 20 minutes to the jury. Part of our assignment as jury panel was to read and evaluate the profile article, the photo essay and the presentation. At the end we had to give them a feedback about their work with a rubric.

One of the group that we evaluated presented their work about The Center for Victims of Torture. CVT organization provides medical and nursing care, psychotherapy, social services DSC_0129and massage and physical therapy for torture survivors. They are currently working directly with 2,500 foreign victims of human rights abuses, however they estimated the number of torture survivor in the world today may range from 2 to 15 million.

We were pleased to have participated with the Washington Post, and Capital City Public Charter School and the countless other professional volunteers who came out to support these up and coming members of our society.  The kids learned not just about the issues at hand but the reality of writing on a deadline and creating impactful and thoughtful articles about society today.
