What is CGI?

CGI stands for computer-generated imagery. This type of technology can be used in film, television and even video games to create characters, scenes and special effects. Films that have used CGI that you may be familiar with are ‘The Avengers,” “Star Wars,” and Avatar. CGI is important to film because it has blended the world or reality and fantasy seamlessly. CGI is now blending that line in other areas of our lives as well.


CGI Online

I remember when Sophia came and broke the news. Everyone on social media was freaking out and some even claiming that robot Artificial Intelligence was going to start taking jobs and disrupting the economy. I know, that sounds crazy and far fetch and I’m glad to be able to say that Sophia and other Artificial Intelligence have not caused that problem. But CGI has made some very groundbreaking progress when it comes to human made “people” entering reality.

This is a photo of supermodel Shudu, first glance you think she looks like a regular supermodel but, catch is – she isn’t real. Yes, that is correct the famous supermodel who has booked numerous fashion shows and been on covers of magazines is a 3-D CGI creation of Cameron-James Wilson. Craziest part of this that Shudu isn’t the only one. There are many CGI models and even CGI social media influencers that have been created and are very popular to the public.


CGI Major Step In Film

So, CGI has the power to create “people” but what if it had the power to bring back people? – Oh wait, it does. Last year it was announced that the late James Dean would be starring in the film “Finding Jack” thanks to CGI technology. Although when this news was announced many, including some a-list celebrities, voiced their criticism towards the decision. It does not take away from the fact that the technology advancement in this era has made it possible for films to recreate and cast late Hollywood figures.


CGI and the Future

Now let’s put the pieces together. CGI has already been used, and continuously used in films and CGI now as the ability to create people. This now leads to the question what will happen to film in the future in regard to actors? Now, I do not believe that actors are a dying breed as a result of CGI, in fact I believe that CGI has the power to enhance an actor’s role. However, the technology does exist to where we could see a huge shift in regard to acting, CGI, and AI.

While technology is always advancing, has it gone too far this time?