RedEye is pleased to announce our partnership with Summer Steps with Step Afrika! This summer RedEye teamed up with Step Afrika! Summer Steps to bring their annual camp performance to life through a virtual video performance. The video premiered through Step Afrika! on August 23rd at 5pm.  To watch the performance you can find it here on the Step Afrika! Youtube page.

What is Step Afrika! ?

Step Afrika! is the world’s first professional company dedicated to the tradition of stepping. Stepping is a polyrhythmic form of dance that uses the body as an instrument. Their mission is to preserve stepping. They also aim to promote an appreciation for stepping through professional performances and education.

What is stepping and where did it come from?

Stepping is an energetic and percussive art form. It comes from the song and dance rituals that were performed by African American sororities and fraternities. In the 1900s more and more African Americans began to attend college. They started their own Greek-letter organizations (fraternities and sororities). Stepping became a way that the members of these sororities and fraternities showed pride for their organizations.

Summer Steps with Step Afrika!

Summer Steps is a week long summer program where kids get the opportunity to learn about the tradition of stepping. The camp combines teamwork, commitment, discipline, and academic achievement with performance and artistic training. At the end of the week kids get the opportunity to perform the routines they learned for their friends, family, and the public.

RedEye and Summer Steps

RedEye worked with the Summer Steps program to take over 80 individually recorded dances and blend them into team performances.  Then combine the teams and additional elements to create one final premiere show of which all could be proud. The fast track project was turned out from concept to premiere in less than 4 weeks, with the RedEye team only having actually footage to edit for less then 10 days.  RedEye worked closely with the different instructors to design and develop unique themes for each of the performance groups.  The culmination was brining all instructors and campers together for a final dance the  Unity step.  While nothing is normal in this pandemic time – it was with great pride that RedEye watch as the instructors and youth worked incredibly hard individually but together, learning about this amazing art form and culture.  We are looking forward to seeing what Step Afrika! and Summer Steps does in the future!