Everyone loves cartoons. Well at least most people like cartoons. This goes for adults as well. Many of my friends enjoy watching cartoons. Some fan favorites include Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and Gravity Falls. These are well-written, exciting shows. The only thing about them is, they’re made for children.

Current Cartoons for Adults

Now, there’s nothing wrong with an adult enjoying these shows and shows like them. However, some people feel wrong enjoying children’s shows. So, why are there no well written cartoons for adults? Some people might argue in favor of shows like Family Guy or The Simpsons.  However, there are people who don’t enjoy TV shows that are as harsh and crude as those. There’s an audience for adult cartoons that aren’t gross comedies, but no one is making them. My question is why not?

Why Aren’t There More Adult Cartoons?

My immediate thought is ratings. There is an audience for cartoons for adults. The bigger question is, is the audience big enough? Studios won’t spend money on a show that they don’t think will make enough money. That’s why they make shows for children that are written well enough that they attract adults as well. This ensures that they will have a large enough audience to watch the show. In fact, it nearly doubles their audience. 

Future Adult Cartoons

Now is the best time for studios to create cartoons for adults. More and more people are watching cartoons, and they become die-hard fans of these shows. Right now, there are people working on cartoons for adults. The best example is Hazbin Hotel. The show is a little crude, but it also has the same elements that adults love from cartoons like Steven Universe. Unfortunately Hazbin Hotel is still in developmental phases, and they only have the pilot out for viewing. It’ll still take some time before this show and others like it are created and aired.

I would love to see cartoons that are created with adults in mind, that doesn’t rely on crude humor. If more people demand a show like that, then it’s possible to see one in the future. If shows like that are not created in the future, then I hope that people will not feel ashamed to watch the shows that they love.