What do Buddy Bison, National Park Trust and Capital Hill have in common?  It’s RedEye Post of course.   This summer, RedEye was proud to rollout their 11th Bruce F. Vento Award video with National Park Trust (NPT).  This year Senator Martin Heinrich of New

Buddy Bison

Mexico was bestowed the honor for his commitment to the environment and outstanding advocacy for public lands and natural resources.

RedEye has been producing these creative videos for NPT since 2007.  It has been our distinct pleasure to work with many great advocates of the environment such as Gov. Schwarzenegger, Senators McCain, Collins, Alexander, Udall, Portman, Wyden, Representatives, McCollum, Miller and so many more worthy and deserving advocates of our great national park system.   In addition to the Awards recognition program we also produced the annual Park Trust year in review video.  This will live on their website for the coming year.

And now for a Where’s Waldo moment – when you take a listen to the video – we hope you also learn one of our other secrets.  RedEye’s president, Laura Douglas, has been preserved for all time as she provided some of the narration for both projects.  We hope you take a moment to enjoy the videos.   It was our great privilege to attend the 2018 awards ceremony, and enjoy taking selfies with the honoree.

What is National Park Trust? It is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving parks today and creating park stewards for tomorrow. NPT efforts includes: preserving national parks and public lands, and encouraging young people to enjoy the outdoors and protect our national parks.

Since 2000, the Bruce. F. Vento Award has been presented to public servants for his or her commitment to the environment, and his or her service, skill and innovation in support of our public lands. This award honors the memory and legacy of Congressman Bruce. F. Vento.

On June 13, 2018,  National Park Trust presented the Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award to Sen. Martin Heinrich (NM).  Senator Heinrick has many accomplishments.  They include: creating the 45,000 acre Columbine-Hondo Wilderness area, and working to protect the natural and cultural resources in the Valles Caldera National Preserve.  He also was recognized for his incredible support and advocacy for the protection of our national parks and public lands and waters.  Senator Heinrick is a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and the Subcommittee on National Parks.  He also serves on the Senate Committee on Armed Services, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee.

It was thanks to his leadership that enabled the creation of two treasured National Monuments in New Mexico — the Rio Grande del Norte and the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monuments.

It is our distinct honor to continue our work with National Park Trust, and to witness their work.

All proceeds from the Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award event benefits NPT’s park preservation and youth programs.