Lights, Camera, Action
A while ago I had the opportunity to watch a commercial shoot. This was something that I wanted to see while I was in D.C. I felt like I was behind the scenes for a hollywood production… just maybe a little more relaxed. Hair and and makeup was there, a lighting team, videographers, producers, actors and actresses – it was quite the scene. It was interesting to see how many people it takes to put something like a commercial together and how long it takes. Every shot had to be taken multiple times and at different angles. Everyone in the group brought different expertise to the table. At the shoot, I was in charge of signing in the kids and making sure that they signed the media release paperwork which was obviously the most important job. It was great to see people in action and have all these people come together and became a team.
Learning my 3rd language.
While being on set I felt like I was in a differently universe, people were speaking a completely different language. Prior to coming to this internship I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Pretty quickly I came to the realization that while I am here I’m also going to be learning a different way of speaking. At the set everyone was using a variety of jargon, I was able to understand bits and pieces of it, like the real basic things like action, cut, rolling, stand by, and good job, however everything else went over my head. Video Editing, film, production the whole industry has its own language. One person would say something that sound like gibberish and still everyone knew what they meant. Throughout the day I started to pick some things up that where beyond the basic sayings I listed above, but like learning a new language it would take a very long time to become fluent in “set talk”.
Movie Star Status for a second

Although I wasn’t an actress, I low key still felt like a a rockstar for a hot sec. It was fun observing what was happening and seeing all the time and effort that goes into creating commercials that are only just 30 seconds long. My real rockstar moment was when I got to stand in front of the camera for a second with the lights shinning on me. Ok it was because I had to clean glue off of a table. But I was able to see myself on the screen and I looked amazing, flawless even though I wasn’t wearing any make up or even trying to look good. That moment ended when I managed to get all the glue off of the table, But now I can kind of say was on camera for a hot sec.
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