I don’t understand football at all.   All I know is that getting a touchdown means that a team scored a certain amount of points and that the players usually celebrate by doing some funky dance moves or painful looking chest bumps. However, I still watch football because 1) I love those funky dance moves  2) I like the energy that gets put into and 3) going somewhere where there is free food and a lot of snacks is always a plus.

For the past few years I have watched the Super Bowl, honestly, for the half time shows and commercials.  But as I watch, I am slowly beginning to understand it and as a result kind of like it. This years, Super Bowl 52 Patriots vs Eagles was the first time I was passionate about the team that was playing.  Therefore I paid closer attention to what was happening on the field too.

You don’t watch the Super Bowl just for the football

Let’s face it you don’t watch the Super Bowl just for the football.  The ads are a big draw.  Once the game is over I love going online and seeing what the buzz is all about.  A CNN article Who Scored and Who Fumbled  highlighted what commercials were hot or not.  I personally, was huge fan of of the commercial with Odell Beckham Jr. and Eli Manning ccelebrating their touchdown. This was not only funny to watch, but there was something special about watching Odell Beckham Jr smile that made the video even better.  And I loved the underlying messages, one being, just be yourself and have fun no matter what people think of you.

Another commercial praised by the CNN article was The T-Mobile commercial because it was promoting diversity.  While watching this video I was happy to see all the different races that were being represented but, I think this ad should’ve brought in bigger elements to promote diversity. Although their use of babies is attention grabbing, if they used kids or adults they could spread a more significant message by illustrating diversity throughout a life time too.

One commercial that “fumbled”

One commercial that “fumbled” was the RAM trucks commercial.As the article states, “It had good intensions by using Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, some did not like the idea of having the civil rights advocate tied to selling trucks.”  While watching this ad, at first you think it going to be amazing and then you realize its about a truck and there is no broader message. Then you start wondering how MLK would feel about his speech being used to sell a truck.  Some of the ads were great while others were not.

Humor clearly goes a long way with the success of an ad.  But being informative and highlighting an issue that is prominent in today’s news can be just as important.

While I still watch football for the half-time show and commercials, (and because it gives me a great opportunity to snack).  Slowly but surely I am starting enjoy football for the actual game and not just its benefits.