When a natural disaster occurs it becomes the top news story, we see images and videos of destroyed homes, properties, people crammed together in shelters, and the beginning process of the relief effort. A lot of people want to help but aren’t sure as to how to go about it. You could donate money, but some of us want to be more hands on. However, when you live halfway across the country that may not be practical.
This is where the Adobe Project: The Future is Yours. Make It. – Restoring Photos and Renewing Hope, comes into the picture. Students are helping Hurricane Harvey victims by photoshopping photos that got destroyed by the storm. When I think of the damage that hurricanes do, I immediately think about structural damages to houses, business, etc. This project specifically focuses on something that is less discussed but just as significant and that is photo memories. Victims of these horrendous disasters take property – and those can be restored. But it is the life long collections of one-of-a-kind family photo. The last time you were all together with multiple generations, or kissing your newborn. Those that are not in “the cloud.” This project offers the opportunity for families to bring their damaged photos to a drop off location and allow students to digitally restore the photo back to life.

By refurbishing the images that people lost, these students are also mending important elements in the victims lives whether its happiness, hope, appreciation and so on, they are helping them move forward.
I looked into ways that the RedEye could get involve in this project an it is quite simple. First, you have to get in contact with one of the restoration companies such as Texas Photo Renovators, Recovery Houston and Rebuilding Port Arkansas to get more information on how to get involved. Texas Photo Renovators website instructs you on how to restore images and for beginners they provide the basic steps of photo restoration. They even offer a free month long trial to photoshop for those who do not already have access to it. They also provide basic instructions of how to save damaged images before they begin the process of restoration. Getting involved is relatively easy and appreciated by all the companies that I have listed above. We look forward to our future restoration efforts! To find more details about the Adobe Photo recovery project check out more from their video & article.
Note: there is an Adobe Photo Restoration Live stream This coming Feb 7.
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