RedEye Post’s Survival Guide: Shooting With an IPhone  

Filming high quality video on an iPhone?!?…Sounds outrageous doesn’t it?

Image: Vanilla.

But get this, so many are turning to their hand held devices to produce high quality video productions! Now, it’s not as simple as clicking record, so here at RedEye we have put together some of our favorite tips and tricks for you to keep in mind while shooting. Check out this survival guide, loaded with information and suggestions on how to produce a professional-looking video!

Shooting Tips:

  • What’s your perspective?!?- Think about it, the majority of iPhone photos and videos are shot from about chest height of a standing adult figure. Try to think of different perspective and angles to capture from!
  • Stay Focused!– Use the exposure lock, iPhone’s will focus and expose your intended shot automatically. This can be a great for photos, but when you’re shooting a video of one person talking to the camera, it can lead to jittery-looking footage blurring into focus then back out due to iPhone adjusting and refocusing itself.
  • Listen Up!- Don’t skimp out on quality audio and sound for your project—No one wants a great quality film with low quality sound. Place microphone as close as possible to subject. They are now making external, actable micro phones for iPhones that are great for picking up sound that sounds crisp and clear perfect for this type of production.
  • Light Up Your World!- Like with taking quality photos, your footage will look best if properly lite. Think about where and what time you are shooting; Natural light is a great resource! If outdoors find a shady shot that’s visually pleasing, or if you’re indoors search out a window, if you are no where near a source of natural light or shooting at night look into a decent lighting kit. If you’re really in a pinch and have undesirable lighting look into a Black and White filter.
  •  Zoom With Your Own Two Feet!– Avoid using the iPhone’s built-in camera zoom. It only provides a pixelated mess! These lenses aren’t zooming optically therefore you only enlarging the image digitally. Like with ensuring better audio, move the phone closer to the subject to keep detail at a closer view.
  • Shoot horizontally!!!!!!!- Probably the most important tip, shoot your content horizontally  to avoid footage getting cropped due too vertical shot. Only shoot vertically for content that will be used for Snapchat or Instagram.

Things to Remember:

  • Air Plane Mode- Put your phone on airplane mode to avoid in coming text, emails, and calls interrupting you
  • Durable Phone Case- Make sure your case is durable for whatever condition and location you will be filming at. Nothing worse then dropping your phone while filming and picking up a shattered mess!

Pro Tips:

Be sure to check out our next ‘Survival Guide Series’ featuring how to edit footage that you shot on an iPhone! Contact RedEye Post for any additional questions!