Interns from across the globe come to Washington DC to begin building a foundation for their careers. The nation’s capital is a competitive and small city perfect for interns that want to build networks and professional relationships. So it is fair to say that, it can be challenging to land a job in DC if you are not professionally prepared.

Being an intern myself, I have had the chance to sit in on many seminars, Q&A sessions, and briefings led by professionals who have walked in our shoes. They have shared their personal stories and ‘tricks of the trade’ when it came to networking, branding, and the job application process.

Developing a Network- who do you know?

Having a network is more than just meeting someone so you can get a job, it is creating a professional relationship with someone. It is important to make it clear that you are not looking for a job, but a better understanding of a position, company or developing a genuine connection.

Creating a network can be as simple as creating an Excel sheet of new professionals you meet or of your peers. Add your peers to your network because, they will be the next generation of professionals that you will work with or work for.

Having people in your network can help determine what you want to do if you are having  a difficult time choosing a career. Your network can help you gain a mentor or friend who could help guide you.

Find a way to keep your network alive by having a common hobby or joining a professional organization with others.

Branding – more than what you wear

Dressing for success is more than what you wear, it is transforming how you present yourself on social media, at social events, and in everyday conversation.

On social media, try to stay objective to political and social issues. What you post, share, like or tweet can be seen by millions of people, so it is important to remember that anyone can access that information.

It is true when parents tell children that you never know who is watching, even in a large city like DC. On the metro, at happy hour or in class you never know if your next boss or interviewer is in the same room.

The way carry yourself shows people that you care about who you are and what you represent. What you share, post, and like on social media speaks profoundly. It is important to be self aware of your actions and mange it overtime.

Job Application Tips – preparation is key 

  • While looking at job descriptions, use the information that you are given about the position and apply it to your resume. Every job you apply for is different. It is normal to have different versions of your resume.
  • When preparing for an interview, create a T-chart with what the company wants and what you can do for them. This will help you be better prepared for the tough questions during the interview.
  • Research, research, research! Having knowledge of the company you interview for shows that you have genuine interest of their mission and vision.
  • Show up to the interview with something to write with and take notes.
  • Ask questions about the company you are interviewing for.
  • Dress for the job position you want.
  • Try to make your interview a conversation rather than a Q&A session.
  • Be yourself, be kind and listen.
  • Write a thank you note or follow up in a timely manner. It is nice to thank someone for the time they have taken to speak you. Whether you get the position or not, it shows good character.
  • Be open to what career options that are out there.

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