Over the course of the years at RedEye we have had several interns cross our threshold, each of them asking the same question, “What can I do to become successful?” Here are some of my tips to achieving a thriving internship here at RedEye or almost anywhere!

1. Keep going and charge ahead! Don’t let obstacles hold you back from achieving the best.68af09550b952dbbfd01a8cdef9737ea
2. Speak up; and be proactive. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is the time to learn

3. Be willing to “agarrar el toro por los cuernos” which means “take the bull by the horns.” Don’t hold back.

4. Be willing to make mistakes…do it even if it’s wrong. Better to make the mistake now and correct it, then make it later and can’t do anything about it.

5. Incorporate constructive criticism. Even the professionals make mistakes.

6. Write stuff down. Being told a massive amount of steps? Have multiple things to do? Having it all on a piece of paper will make a world of a difference.

Now the biggest and most important tip is; don’t be afraid to say this isn’t the right place for you. This is the time to find out what interests you the most and what you essentially “want to be when you grow up.” It’s okay to discover that you don’t enjoy the thing you thought you would love. That’s what internships are all about!

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