tellybronzelargeThis spring, We are excited to announce RedEye’s work has been recognized by The 36th Annual Telly Awards with three awards!  Every year The Telly Awards honors the best films and video productions in the region, and the RedEye Team is thrilled that our work in collaboration with the Alliance for Aging Research has been selected by the judges.  The Healthspan Imperative documentary received a Bronze in the Health and Wellness category and the Healthspan Trailer  won a Bronze in the Health and Wellness & Non profit categories.  The Healthspan Imperative  is a groundbreaking short documentary narrated by Emmy award winning television show host and best-selling author Martha Stewart.  The film explores the challenges created by the longevity revolution. And the potential of aging research to turn back the clock. Not to make us older for a longer time, but so we might enjoy more years of healthy vigorous life.

This is a clear call to action on an issue that affects everyone, The Healthspan Imperative will change the conversation on how we view aging.  More info can be found at

We appreciate these awards, we are proud of our collaboration with the Alliance for Aging Research and will continue working to create quality and creative videos.