Following the National Park Trust ceremony awarding Senator Ron Wyden with the Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award, we were given a lot of positive feedback about this year’s video project.

“…Ron had a great time and loved the event. He was SO flattered by the video, and honored by the award. The video really is fantastic, and thank you again.”— Keith Chu, Press Secretary, Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee

“…Thanks so much to you and National Park Trust, for the award and everything you guys do. The video was excellent and the event was great — especially those kids that stole the show!” — Michele Miranda, Senior Policy Advisor for Natural Resources

“I just watched the video. Thanks so much. I’m so glad the event went well.” — Lisa Rockower, State Director in Wyden’s Portland office

Indeed, the video added a nice touch to the ceremony and preluded to the child speakers that inevitably stole the show! Many were pleased with this year’s video, including the Senator himself. Watch it here!