national-kids-to-parks-day-2013National Kids to Parks Day – May 18, 2013

RedEye was pleased to play a role in this years National Park Trust’s, National Kids to Parks Day.  Really it is a national day of get outside and stomp around your local parks!  Because let’s face it we all spend too much time inside face down in our electronics.  Heck even when we do get outside we don’t turn off the gadgets and before we know it we are sucked into a conversation that can wait or any of the many other mind numbing finger phone games.  Let’s Move!  National Park Trust came to RedEye to quickly turn around a series of  PSA’s shot with several NFL players to help promote this years National Kids to Parks Day.

letsmoveweblogoNot only was Kids to Parks Day a big hit with over 130,000 people pledging to participate in all 50 states and the District of Columbia but 10 Governors, a Senate NFL-Players-Association-LogoResolution and 303 mayors issued proclamations!  And here is the local shameless plug for RedEye – Our spot made it’s debut on the First Lady’s Let’s Move Blog.

Next year make sure you pledge to join in the fun…but for now get out and enjoy your local, state and national parks.  They are filled with experiences and treasures that change every day.

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