I read a while back an article from the The Washington Post, about an interesting change to the the television landscape.  A new company, AEREO is now offering an internet “sports package” of programing for  $10/month+  So for those of you who no longer have cable in the house and are using your internet connections coupled with various streaming companies to view your network or movie programs – the torn in the side has been access to live sporting events.  It seems this has broken that barrier.6a00e5520719b0883401156f2e45a2970c-320wi

I think what I find engaging about it is not the fact a company has worked around the system to offer something free for a price – but the fact that the cable and networks are SO up in arms about it that they have even threatened to take sports off free TV airways and make it a premium package you would have to buy on your cable or other television service provider.  Hmm…What is next live news? Weather?  Will we be notified of the tonado bearing down on us if we don’t have the premium package through a service provider?

Since television burst onto the landscape a mere 90 years ago and it really has only been in the last 60 years that we use television as a main medium of communication, over all, for about 40-50 of those years the medium remained fairly stagnent and change was slow predictable and steady.  However, in the last 10 years, hold onto your hat, as the number of changes to the delivery landscape is now mind blurring.

I’m not sure I have a side of the fence to sit on just yet as to which will be better for the consumer. (An unregulated free-for-all grab as you can but watch out in 6 months or a year the process will change and you might need new equipment or service or a regulated 3 or 4 companies standing before congress promising changes to laws if they lose in the courts.)  Both options sound a little oppressive for the consumer.


Washington Post Story