Me a Pollster?  I got this feeling because I was assigned to contact video studios in D.C. and VA, and ask info for RedEye’s upcoming quarterly podcasts’ shoot. Basically, I have been a person more comfortable writing than speaking, either in Chinese or English, because I always feel writing gives me time for a second thought on word choices and proper manners. Even on cell phone, I text more than make phone calls. So, I would say the phone calls I made last week had already outnumbered the amount I used to make in one or two months. However, it’s good for me to practice coming up with words in a short time and still sound natural (at least I hope so). I remembered in my first few phone calls I sometimes stammered on words like “overtime availability” (Now I feel it may be that I was kind of embarrassed to ask for a discount on that). Yet gradually I got rid of the nervousness and could keep the conversation going on and on, even bargaining with potential renters on studios’ rates. Also, thanks to these phone calls, some terms used in studios become less unfamiliar to me. Every time I marked a YES or NO for green rooms or lighting grid, their images literally run over and reinforce their meaning in my mind. The feeling of things gradually getting sense is really great!

Another wonderful experience was going to studios to really have a look at them and take some pictures. Meeting people I previously spoke with on phone and letting them show me around their studios give me a sense that I’m indeed involved in the project, and it further motivates my passion. It’s like I finally finished all the flavor surveys on phone and started to sample these shops out there (Yeah, I know DC’s Restaurant Week still sticks in my mind although it was already over). You ask me the results? I would say they are just as good as they promised to be.


Yating Chan