After three weeks of working at RedEye, I can declare firmly and proudly that it is fun and exuberant place to work.  Clients drop by to drop something off and end up sticking around for half an hour to chat.  The RedEye offices are a magnet of good feeling and creative energy.  That said, its been a hectic couple days, Christian and Senita from BET’s Lift Every Voice have been in and out of RedEye, sorting out footage and perfecting an exciting interview with the FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States – all the cool kids are calling her that).

Michelle Obama talked about her family life, as well as her two big initiatives Let’s Move and Joining Forces.  Joining Forces is an initiative launched by Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden and aims to support America’s military forces and thank them for the sacrifices they make.  Let’s Move is “America’s move to raise a healthier generation of kids” by making sure that kids are eating healthy and exercising at home and at school.  It has been a particularly busy morning, between cutting together the interview and scouring the internet for photos and videos of everything Obama.  I have seen every video on the Lets Move YouTube Channel, countless photos on the White House flickr, baby pictures of Sasha, even one of the Presiden’t class pictures from prep school.  Ask me a question about Let’s Move. I dare you…

But this wasn’t really a tiresome task.  The Obamas are as fun to look at as the Kennedys.  Watching clips of them, you sometimes can’t help but smile.  They’re dynamic and charismatic – this out of the mouths of babes.  I particularly enjoyed watching clips from Let’s Move.  You may remember, depending on your age bracket/level of coolness, a flurry on the internet when photos and videos surfaced of the First Lady dougie-ing.  Well that show of coolitude (I just made that word up and I really think its gonna be a thing) happened while dancing to Move Your Body, a song Beyonce wrote to accompany the Let’s Move! Flash Workout; this dance is SO FUN.

I learned the dance this summer and I like to think that when people watch me do it they see someone who is excited and enjoying herself, not an uncoordinated limb-flailer, but the dance is SO FUN that it doesn’t even matter how bad you are at it.  Beyonce has truly accomplished something here.

Well after this long day of work, we here at RedEye decided to unwind by moving our bodies, and you will get to see our… what’s the euphemism I’m looking for?… passionate? eager? dance moves exclusively on the RedEye blog:


If you’d like to see how the dance is meant to be performed, you can check out the official music video, Beyonce surprising a dancing middle school, or this extremely feisty little girl.




Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!


Emily Magida was a Spring and Summer 2012 RedEye Intern

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