My 1st blog! Yay! OK, the reason why I am finally writing one is because I enjoy reading them and I have something to share.
I feel like I am from a bygone era. I am no Jane Austen but I love her and period dramas of any sort. Ok, the Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell sort. Add Downton Abbey to the mix. But I digress. I don’t look my age but I feel far older at times because I admit, I am rather traditional and a fuddy-duddy if you can call it that. I love adhering to the old and I reminisce about it – not everything old but in general. I am comfortable with what I know and change is an affront in all measures of the word.
But life and working at RedEye has solidified what I have known for a while. Change is necessary and change is good. Learning new things is good. What makes you uncomfortable and challenges you force you to grow. It teaches you to come out of your shell and not just be a better person but be better skilled at your job as well as taking it up a notch or notches.
I am being rather vague but here are specifics in 2 categories. The 2 amazing people I work with and what they have taught me in the 10 short months since I started working here.
Valeria: She is amazing. Valeria is a breath of fresh air. She is lively, she has spunk, she speaks her mind and does so articulately and most importantly, with humor. She is a whiz at learning new things and she forces me to go through my days with a feather on my foot as opposed to a brace. Valeria has taught me to branch out into the forum and world of the here and now, the arena of youth – hence change, social media, blogs and google. It’s not that I don’t google but now if I don’t know anything, I know to say to myself. GOOGLE IT!
Laura D: Lady boss. Laura is a visionary. Laura has years under her belt but is still capable of churning up ideas that are new and exciting. She leaves you thinking, now why didn’t I think of that? I thought I knew how to edit until I started working at RedEye and felt I was back to edit 101. Laura is encouraging, she is fast, she has a great eye for detail and she is a maestro at what she does. Did I mention that Laura is fast? But you betcha, she is kickass good as well.
Oh! And these ladies break out in song every so often. I love it! Why don’t I join in when I am dying to? I am afraid to break the office glass.
RedEye has already taught me so much and it only feels like a heartbeat since I started. I can’t wait to learn more from these two effervescent personalities who grace my path each work day. Oh! And I haven’t even mentioned the laughter, the food talks and awesome feeling of being home away from home whilst at work. But let’s leave it to my next blog.
TTFN, Y(e)O.

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One thought to “My 1st blog ever!”
Awww shucks.
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