
Its fitting that today I publish my first blog post, because on this day 22 years ago, McDonald’s opened their first restaurant in Moscow.  Why is this fitting?  Well a Russian McDonald’s and I have a lot in common in that we are both… Wait.  Russian McDonald’s and I have nothing in common. But! 54 years ago Explorer I, the first satellite was launched.  Why is this fitting?  Well Explorer I and I have a lot in common in that we are both going boldly somewhere.  Explorer I into the thermosphere and I into the blogosphere.

Intriguing! You say, tell us more!  Well…

I am a junior American Studies major at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA, home of the US Army War College and little else.  I was born and raised in the ever-exciting Southwestern Connecticut, a place where people like to wear boat shoes and used to name their children things like Muffy and Chip.

Last semester I studied abroad in Bologna, Italy, a city known for its communist history, red-roofed buildings, and DELICIOUS food.  Being abroad was a wonderful opportunity to learn about a different culture and I’d like to share some of that knowledge with you here.

An important lesson I learned from my time in Italy was the difference between thick crust and thin crust pizza.  I’ve always loved thin-crusted, cheesy, grease-gets-all-over-your-face pizza, and, not being from Chicago, always thought of thick-crust pizza as the heavier, inferior cousin of a nice thin-crust pie.  Oh Uno Chicago Grill how you’ve misled me!  Bologna was teeming with little hole-in-the-wall pizza places where you could buy two delicious, fluffy, foccaccia-like pizzas with your choice of toppings for under 3 euro (spicy salami was always my pick).

This semester in DC, I plan to continue my explorations through food and culture and can’t wait to share them with you here along with news from RedEye.


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Emily Magida was a Spring and Summer 2012 RedEye Intern